

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics and Environmental Education Research Group

Re-imagining futures in STEME


Our members actively publish about their STEM education research in a wide variety of academic journals, books and chapters, and professional formats.

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Latest book chapters see all


White, P. J, Raphael, J., & van Cuylenburg, K. (2021). Science and Drama: Contemporary and creative approaches to teaching and learning. Springer. 

White, P.J., Tytler, R., Ferguson, J. P., & Cripps Clark, J. (2021). Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research Volume 2. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

White, P. J., Tytler, R., Ferguson, J. P., & Cripps Clark, J. (2022). Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research – Volume 3. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

White, P. J., Tytler, R., Ferguson, J., & Cripps Clark, J. (2021). Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research – Volume 1. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Unsworth, L., Tytler, R., Fenwick, L., Humphrey, S., Chandler, P., Herrington, M., & Pham, L. (2021). Multimodal Literacy in School Science: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory, Research and Pedagogy. Routledge.

Hsu, Y-S, Tytler, R., & White, P.J. (2022). Innovative Approaches to Socio-Scientific Issues and Sustainability Education: Linking Research to Practice. Springer.

Driscoll, K. (2021). An investigation of the ways in which School Mathematics Leaders support primary teachers’ professional learning. [Doctoral dissertation, Monash University].

It is widely recognised that science exploration is vital in children’s lives as they make sense of the world. Now in its fourth edition, Science in Early Childhood provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to science in the early years. Each chapter has been updated to include current research and to address changing priorities in early childhood science education. The text features new chapters on Indigenous ways of knowing science, …

Science in Early Childhood 4th Edition Read More »

Authors: Stephen Dinham, Russell Tytler, Deborah Corrigan, David Hoxley How do we enable young people to imagine themselves as the next generation of STEM professionals? How do we do this in a way that engages the desire to learn and explore? In Australia, there is increasing concern at the declining participation in advanced-level school mathematics and physical sciences; fewer students electing to study STEM programs at university; and, evidence of …

Reconceptualising Maths and Science Teaching and Learning Read More »

By:  Coral Campbell, Wendy Jobling and Christine Howitt.   Science education in the early years is vital to assist young children to come to know and understand the world around them. In this second edition, Science in Early Childhood has been substantially updated and revised to include comprehensive coverage of the birth-to-eight age group. Drawing on the most up-to-date research, this edition presents current issues and debates relevant to pre-service …

Science in Early Childhood, 2nd Edition Read More »

By: Coral Campbell, Wendy Jobling and  Christine Howitt (Editors).   Science education is crucial to young children’s discovery and understanding of the world around them. This third edition of Science in Early Childhood has been substantially updated to include the most current research, bringing together an author team of respected science education researchers from across Australia. New chapters address changing priorities in early childhood science education, introducing coverage of STEM, inclusivity, …

Science in Early Childhood, 3rd Edition Read More »

By: Peter Albion, Coral Campbell and Wendy Jobling.   This new text helps student teachers prepare to teach effectively in technologies education in primary school classrooms. Part A of the book provides the context of technologies education and the new Australian Curriculum: Technologies. Introductory chapters discuss what ‘technology’ is and its role in human society, emphasising the idea of technology as a process rather than a product. Chapters also examine why technologies …

Technologies Education for the Primary Years Read More »

By: Linda Hobbs and Günter Törner (Editors). This book identifies and surveys the major themes around ‘out-of-field teaching’, that is, teaching subjects or year levels without a specialization. This has been an issue in many countries for some time, yet until recently there has been little formal research and poor policy responses to related problems. This book arises out of collaborations between members of an international group of researchers and practitioners from …

Examining the Phenomenon of “Teaching Out-of-field”: International Perspectives on Teaching as a Non-specialist Read More »

By: Lihua Xu, George Aranda, Wanty Widjaja and David Clarke (Editors).   The rapid development of video technology in the last decade has changed the ways in which people communicate, how they learn, and how research is done. Video technology offers rich potential in capturing complex social interactions over a prolonged period of time and in supporting teacher professional learning and development. This book explores the ontological, epistemological, methodological, and …

Video-based Research in Education Cross-disciplinary Perspectives, 1st Edition Read More »

By: Roger Bruning, Gregory Schraw, and Monica Norby [Translation Eds- Zehra N. Ersozlu & Rıza Ulker].   This book covers many concepts related to cognitive and instructional approaches that have an essential place in educational sciences, education programs and teaching, and educational psychology. This book can be used at the undergraduate and graduate level. We provided a clearer understanding of the approaches related to learning, teaching and mental processes. This …

Cognitive Psychology and Instruction [Bilişsel Psikoloji ve Öğretim] Read More »

By: Linda Hobbs, Coral Campbell and  Mellita Jones (Editors) This book demonstrates school-based approaches to primary science teacher education. The models used involve partnerships between universities and primary schools to engage pre-service primary teachers in classroom teaching and learning that effectively connects theory with practice separate to the formal practicum arrangements. The book is a culmination of the research and collaboration of researchers from five Australian universities involved in the Science Teacher …

School-based Partnerships in Teacher Education A Research Informed Model for Universities, Schools and Beyond Read More »

By: Virginia Kinnear, Mun Yee Lai and Tracey Muir (Editors). This edited book brings together an international collection of work on a consistent and growing focus in mathematics education: the need to forge connections in early mathematics learning. Each chapter examines diverse ways that connections can be made, philosophically, theoretically, and pedagogically, illustrating different perspectives and providing provocations for researchers and educators.   V. Kinnear, M. Lai, & T. Muir (Eds.), (2017),  Forging Connections in …

Forging Connections in Early Childhood Mathematics Teaching and Learning Read More »

By: Coral Campbell, Wendy Jobling (Editors). Science education in the early years is vital in assisting young children to come to know about and understand the world around them. Science in Early Childhood covers the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of teaching science in early childhood settings in a way that is engaging and accessible. It is a comprehensive resource for students, as well as early childhood teachers and carers, and provides …

Science in Early Childhood Read More »

By: Brigid Freeman, Simon Marginson and Russell Tytler (Editors).   Across the world STEM (learning and work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has taken central importance in education and the economy in a way that few other disciplines have. STEM competence has become seen as key to higher productivity, technological adaptation and research-based innovation. No area of educational provision has a greater current importance than the STEM disciplines yet there is a surprising …

The Age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Read More »

By Russell Tytler, Vaughan Prain, Peter Hubber and Bruce Waldrip (Editors). Current research into student learning in science has shifted attention from the traditional cognitivist perspectives of conceptual change to socio-cultural and semiotic perspectives that characterize learning in terms of induction into disciplinary literacy practices. This book builds on recent interest in the role of representations in learning to argue for a pedagogical practice based on students actively generating and exploring …

Constructing Representations to Learn in Science Read More »


Bragg, L. A., Herbert, S. & Brown, J. (2020). Issues in the teaching of mathematics: Engaging families in mathematics education. Melbourne: DET.

Campbell, C., Hobbs, L., Millar, M., Ragab Masri, A., Speldewinde, C., Tytler, R. & van Driel, J. (2020) Girls’ Future – Our Future. The Invergowrie Foundation STEM Report – 2020 Update.

Campbell, C., Jobling, W. & Speldewinde, C (2020) Primary Connection Stage 7 Evaluation, inclusive of STEM Connections. Interim Report Nov2019 – Apr2020. Prepared for the Australian Academy of Science. Canberra

The International Year of the Periodic Table of Elements provided a perfect opportunity to implement community engagement activities that re-position the public image of chemistry, from one that currently suffers from the consequences of large-scale uptake of its previous successes such as plastic waste and polluting industrial plants, to one that has embraced the principles of sustainability. This project took the Periodic Table of Elements as an organising principle, and developed activities to increase understanding of the Table itself and the importance of chemistry to sustainability. Hands on visits at schools in disadvantaged areas allowed maximum impact on a large number of students.

Using the grant generously provided by the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, we were able to offer our ‘Periodic Table of Sustainable Elements’ outreach event at no cost to seven regional and rural schools, where over 1000 students took part. Over 80 of these students took part as ‘student leaders’, where they were involved for the whole day, either mentoring younger age school students undertaking the experiments, or being mentored themselves by Deakin university student volunteers who discussed with them post-secondary education opportunities in STEM.

All resources from the events are freely available to all interested parties on our ‘Elements of Sustainable Chemistry’ website. We anticipate growing our outreach event to incorporate a greater breadth of experiments, so we can continue being able to demonstrate in schools the important role chemistry is taking in meeting the grand challenges of sustainable development. The list of people and institutions to thank is very long and so won’t be repeated here, but if you go to page 16 of the report, you can read the whole list there 🙂

But we must really thank the Australian National Commission for UNESCO for their financial contribution to this project and to this website, and without their financial support this really would not have been possible.

Tytler, R., Bridgstock, R., White, P., Mather, D., McCandless, T., & Grant-Iramu, M. (2018). 100 Jobs of the Future: A study commissioned by Ford Australia.

Williams, G., & Tytler, R. (2017). Evaluation of University of Sydney STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy. Deakin University.

Hobbs, L., Jakab, C., Millar, V., Prain, V., Redman, C., Speldewinde, C., Tytler, R., &. van Driel, J. (2017). Girls’ future — our future: The Invergowrie Foundation STEM report.

Girls’ Future – Our Future, The Invergowrie Foundation STEM Report

Tytler, R., Symington, D., Williams, G., White, P., Campbell, C., Chittleborough, G., Upstill, G., Roper, E., & Dziadkiewicz, N. (2015). Building productive partnerships for STEM education: Evaluating the model and outcomes of the Scientist and Mathematicians in Schools Program. Melbourne, Deakin University.

The Scientists and Mathematicians in Schools (SMiS) program is a major Australian initiative funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training in conjunction with CSIRO, which delivers the program through a national SMiS program team. The program involves volunteer science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) professionals working in partnership with teachers in primary and secondary schools to engage students in quality learning in the STEM disciplines. Since its inception as Scientists in Schools in 2007 it has expanded to formally include Mathematicians in Schools and more recently ICT in Schools. Up to June 2015 it has brokered in excess of 4600 individual teacher-STEM professional partnerships and the program represents a major innovation in the national STEM education scene. Since 2007 the program has been evaluated three times, leading to affirmation of the success of the model in terms of outcomes for students, teachers and the STEM Professionals, and recommendations for expansion. The evaluations have informed the development and expansion also of the SMiS program team which arranges the matches of the STEM professionals and teachers, provides support and advice for partnerships through project officers in each state, and organises workshops, online support and a website. SMiS can be viewed as one of a suite of models of partnerships between STEM professionals and schools, which have achieved increasing prominence as concern with lack of engagement of students in STEM subjects and futures increases. A number of key strengths characterise SMiS as distinctive amongst these initiatives: first, the partnerships involve a collaborative arrangement between an individual STEM professional and a teacher; second, the partnerships are flexible enabling response to local contexts; third, the partnerships are ongoing; and fourth, the program has significant national reach.

Tytler, R. & White, P.J. (2017). Understanding PARRISE: Innovation and Change processes in a collaborative European Project.

Marginson, S, Tytler, R, Freeman, B and Roberts, K (2013). STEM: Country comparisons. Report for the Australian
Council of Learned Academies,

Tytler, R., Symington, D., Hubber, P., Chittleborough, G., Campbell, C. and Darby, L. (2010) The student as scientist : the impact of the BHP Billiton science awards, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic.

Symington, D., Campbell, C., & Tytler, R. (2008). ‘Charting futures for Science, ICT, Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Victoria’ A Forum organised by the SiMERR Victorian Hub of the Science, ICT, and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) project – Report of the forum.

Tytler, R., Malcolm, C., Symington, D., & Kirkwood, V. (2009). Research report: Professional development provision for teachers of science and mathematics in rural and regional Victoria. Geelong: Deakin University.

Tytler, R., Groves, S., Gough, A., Darby, L., Kakkinen, C., & Doig, B. (2008). Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science: Final report of an ARC linkage project to the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Melbourne: Deakin University.

Tytler, R., Osborne, J., Williams, G., Tytler, K., & Cripps Clark, J. (2008). Opening up pathways: Engagement in STEM across the Primary-Secondary school transition. Canberra: Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

Tytler, R., Symington, D., Smith, C., & Rodrigues, S. (2008). An Innovation Framework based on best practice exemplars from the Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) Project. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

STEME submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Effective Strategies for Teacher Professional Learning, (2008). Education and Training Committee, Parliament of Victoria.