Science Technology Engineering Mathematics and Environmental Education Research Group

Re-imagining futures in STEME

Film – Education – Philosophy Group: October Meeting

We are a gathering of scholars who are involved in education and who are passionate about researching intersections between film (we are passionate about movies) and philosophical ideas, and the links to education and education research.

To make the group as welcoming as possible to those interested, the films we choose to view will be chosen from those generally available (e.g. on Kanopy a video streaming service available through your institutional library). Those interested in being a part of this group, will watch the film before the meeting (on the last Monday of each month) during which we will discuss the film and how it informs and is informed by our understanding of education and philosophy.

This month we look at body modification, gender and horror, with the eclectic stylist, and master of colour, Pedro Almodóvar’s The skin I live in. In this film Almodóvar tackles the same obsessions of Lars von Trier but with wit and style rather than blunt force.

Email John Cripps Clark: to added to the list for

Gender and sexuality

Price, Z. (2015). Skin gazing: Queer bodies in Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In. Horror Studies, 6(2), 305-317. doi:10.1386/host.6.2.305_3

Surgery, skin and the body

“The ego is ultimately derived from bodily sensations, chiefly from those springing from the surface of the body.” (Freud, 1923, p. 20)

Freud, S. (1923), The Ego and the Id (ed. J. Strachey and trans. J. Rivière), New York: Norton.

Reyes, X. A. (2013). Skin deep? Surgical horror and the impossibility of becoming woman in Almodovar’s the Skin I Live In. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies(7), 819. doi:10.3828/bhs.2013.50

Posted Oct 1, 2019

29 October 2019, 4:00pm to 5:00pm