Science Technology Engineering Mathematics and Environmental Education Research Group

Re-imagining futures in STEME

VRiE seminar series 2015

March 27  – Prof. David Clarke

The role of video in methodologically distinct research designs by Prof. David Clarke, University of Melbourne.
Friday 27 March, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Meeting Room 3, Melbourne City Centre
Level 3, 550 Bourke Street
Video conference to Burwood C2.05; Waurn Ponds ic3.108; and Warrnambool D2.30 dial VMP 52236919

David will discuss the different roles that video plays in three very different projects: Learner’s Perspective Study, the Learning from Lessons study and the Social Unit of Learning study. In this talk, he will lead a discussion on the nature of video as data and as evidence and how this changes with different research designs.

David Clarke is a Professor in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne and Director of the International Centre for Classroom Research (ICCR). He is also a chief investigator for the Science of Learning Research Centre, a special research initiative of the Australian Research Council.

Powerpoint Presentation: The role of video – Clarke, March, 2015

May 1 – Mr. Joseph Ferguson

Using Studiocode to Collect, Manage and Analyse Video Data by Joseph Ferguson, PhD candidate in the School of Education

Friday 1 May, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Video conference to Burwood C2.05; Waurn Ponds ic3.108; dial VMP 52236919

The focus of this seminar is the way in which Studiocode (as a particualr type of coding software) can be used as a tool to collect, manage and analyse video data. I will use my ongoing PhD research to provide examples of the potential utility of Studiocode. In my PhD research I have used Studiocode to manage a large database of video data of students’ use of computer-based simulation software. In addition, I am using the software to code the video data as a way of exploring the way in which students might be using the computer-based simulations to conduct abduction (a particualr form of reasoning).

Joseph Ferguson is a PhD candidate in the School of Education at Deakin University. His PhD research focuses on investigating the way students’ use digital representations to conduct abduction. His other research interests include investigating the overlap between science and religion in the classroom as well as the importance of threshold concepts in science education.

Powerpoint Presentation: joseph_ferguson_vrie (2015)

June 5 – Dr. George Aranda

A Cross-Project Journey through Video-Data

Friday 5 June, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Video conference to Burwood C2.05; Waurn Ponds ic2.122; dial VMP 52236919

Dr George Aranda has been working with video-data across a range of projects for 5 years with a number of different aims and analyses. He will be presenting some of the data and methodology from international projects, case-studies, dead-end analyses and how video-data is being used with teaching purposes in mind.

George is a Research Fellow in Science Education at Deakin University. He has a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and is working on a range of projects from video ethnography, science communication to 3D printing.

PowerPoint Presentation VRIE-GeorgeAranda.pptx

June 26 – Ms. Fiona Phillips

Framing Ethics: an exploration of ethical issues involved in video-based research
Friday 26 June, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Video conference to Burwood C2.05; Waurn Ponds ic3.108; dial VMP 52236919;

Digital video and accompanying editing software are increasingly becoming more accessible for researchers in terms of ease of use and cost. The rich, context- laden and visually appealing nature of video-based data can convey a strong sense of direct experience with the phenomena studied (Pea, 1999). However, the ease of selection and editing of digital video clips along with the original framing and positioning of the camera means that researchers need to be aware of possible bias inherent in presentation of video vignettes and they also need to monitor the authenticity of clips presented. Digital video not only captures the sounds of the classroom but the context in which those sounds occurred, an issue I am researching as it relates to the occurrences of music and singing in teaching and learning. Ethical issues of confidentiality and ownership are important, what and how the footage gets framed, captured, presented, edited and re-presented need to be thoughtfully considered by researchers. The ubiquitous nature of the technology, may mean that the use of video-based data becomes commonplace. The implications of such usage require debate and consideration. Ethical issues may arise in projects that include teachers, school communities and children as participants. The consideration of ethical issues by researchers in the writing of ethics applications, consent forms and Plain Language Statements will be the focus of the topic. I hope to present some examples of issues pertaining to the lens, positioning and framing in video-based research and elicit discussion on the ethical dilemmas before us.

Fiona is a PhD Student in the Faculty of Arts and Education
Her topic is focussed on how teachers might become more musical in their intuitive pedagogical ideas and to investigate the ways that teachers understand and work with music as part of their working knowledge.

July 31 – Dr. Linda Hobbs

Video as a tool for reflection and recruitment: who communicates to who? 
Friday 31 July, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Video conference to Burwood C2.05; Waurn Ponds ic3.108; dial VMP 52236919

Data analysis of video provides for powerful interrogation of complex classroom environments, particularly when research questions require looking for complex patterns of interactions. But video is also a powerful tool to prompt teacher reflection. Video is also a powerful tool for researchers to communicate to research participants, particularly for sharing of research findings and recruitment purposes when distance is a problem. This presentation will explore the use of video by teachers to communicate to researchers about their teaching, and for researchers to communicate to teachers about research.

Linda is a senior lecturer of science education at Deakin. Linda has a range of research projects, mostly exploring the work of teachers and pre-service teachers.

August 28 – Dr. Lihua Xu

Exploiting the richness of video data: possibilities and challenges
Friday 28 August, 2015
3pm – 5pm
Video conference to Burwood F2.009; Waurn Ponds ic3.108; dial VMP 52236919

The rapid development of video technology in the last decade has changed the ways in which we communicate, how we learn, and how research is done. Video technology offers rich potential in capturing complex social interactions for a prolonged period of time as compared with other means of data collection. While we have access to the most advanced technology for video capturing, we are still at the early stages in terms of making sense of the richness and complexity offered by video data. This presentation will offer three examples of video analysis, drawn from two different projects. The aim of the presentation is to illustrate some possibilities of video analysis and to stimulate discussions about some key challenges in exploiting the richness of video data for the purpose of informing our practice.

Lihua is a lecturer in science education at Deakin. Lihua has been working on several local and international projects in the areas of science and mathematics education, all of which involving the use of video methodology.

Posted May 1, 2015

27 March 2015, 12:00am

Meeting Room 3, Melbourne City Centre Level 3, 550 Bourke Street