Science Technology Engineering Mathematics and Environmental Education Research Group

Re-imagining futures in STEME

Resources for Teaching Science

The Resources for Teaching Science offers several resources in one site.

Ideas for teaching Science: Years P – 8

These activities are grouped in order of increasing sophistication within major conceptual areas of science. They provide a bank of activities that can be readily clustered into learning sequences, and which discuss the science conceptual knowledge for each topic area and strategies for supporting student learning.

Science Concepts: Year 5 – 10

This grouping is somewhat similar to the Years P–8 material but is focused more strongly about science conceptual knowledge and is pitched at a higher level. The activities are arranged to illustrate major ideas in each topic area.

Questioning to Support Inquiry

The following framework describes the types of questions and ‘discursive moves’ expert teachers of primary science use in whole class discussions to support student reasoning and inquiry.

Video materials

These show lesson sequences in a number of science topics. They cover a variety of year levels and represent different strategies in teaching and learning. There are no specific exercises or notes attached to these, but they can provide models, and strategies, for teaching.

Primary science education: insights into practice – These video sequences are of lessons and sequences of primary science teaching in a number of important conceptual areas. They illustrate different features of the teaching and learning of science. The teachers involved broadly follow constructivist/conceptual change principles.

An integrated curriculum-case study – The following video clips showcase an integrated curriculum approach. Using the ‘environment’ as the overarching theme, the key learning areas are interwoven into the teaching of the environment. The ‘enviro’ program follows the guidelines of an integrated curriculum in which students are able to make connections across key learning areas and use meaningful contexts for the development of skills, values and understandings. In terms of science, most of the links to the science curriculum are related to the biological science areas, but other strands of science are incorporated where required by the ‘enviro’ program.
