Science Technology Engineering Mathematics and Environmental Education Research Group

Re-imagining futures in STEME

2019 Contemporary Approaches to Research in Mathematics, Science, Health and Environmental Education Symposium

7 – 8 November 2019

Deakin University, Melbourne City Centre
Level 3, 550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Download the conference poster here.

The symposium in 2019 focused on practical and theoretical aspects of research methodology (as usual) although we extended invitations to our health colleagues.

Presentations at the symposium will be grouped into sessions of three to five presentations designed to promote focused discussion of a methodological issue. The methodological issues should be broadly related to mathematics, science, health, or environmental education. Following each presentation session, there will be the opportunity for extended discussion of methodological issues, theoretical framing, research design, instruments and their application, and approaches to analysis. There is equal time devoted to discussion as to presentations highlighting the value of the discussion.

Presentations will be 10 to 15 minutes in duration and should briefly outline the research question being addressed and may include the findings or likely outcomes of the research, but should focus mainly on the research methodology. Reports on work in progress are welcome.


Keynote Speakers

Professor Kathleen Nolan, University of Regina

Kathleen Nolan is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina (Saskatchewan, Canada), where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics curriculum, qualitative research, and contemporary issues in education. Her research focuses on mathematics teacher education, exploring issues of teacher identity and the regulatory practices of schooling, learning and knowing. Bourdieu’s social field theory and theories of critical, culturally responsive education feature prominently in Kathleen’s work.

In addition to more than 45 published articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings papers, Kathleen has authored and/or co-edited two books, with a third edited collection, entitled Social Theory for Teacher Education Research: Beyond the technical-rational, to be published by Bloomsbury in 2019.

Title: Disrupting the relations and functions of school mathematics: A methodology for reframing mathematics through culturally responsive pedagogy

Abstract: In response to calls to develop culturally appropriate curricula and to educate new teachers in these curricula, the research described in this presentation asks the question of how school mathematics and mathematics teacher education might be reframed through critical and culturally responsive pedagogies. The presentation will explore the methodological innovation involved in operationalizing a form of discourse analysis which draws on Nancy Fraser’s three-dimensional framework for social justice, along with conceptual tools of Pierre Bourdieu. In doing so, the research challenges dominant school mathematics paradigms which (re)produce injustices with regard to participation in mathematics, proposing a new (disruptive) form of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRdP). While the research is motivated by pedagogical concerns, and on tracing the dialogue between theory/methodology and practice/pedagogy, these concerns are located in the social, political, cultural, and economic insights that the pedagogic actions of CRdP offer to the fields of mathematics (and) teacher education.

Associate Professor Margaret Bearman, Deakin University

Margaret Bearman is an Associate Professor within the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University. She holds a first class honours degree in computer science and a PhD in medical education. Over the course of her career in health and higher education, Margaret has written over 70 publications and received over $7.5 million in research and development funding.

She has been formally recognised for her work as an educator and researcher, including awards from the Australian Office of Learning and Teaching and Simulation Australasia. Margaret’s interests include: assessment and feedback; simulation and digital technologies; sociomateriality; and educational workforce development. Her methodological expertise includes qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as evidence synthesis.

Title: Review: the assumptions and challenges of ‘evidence’ synthesis

Abstract: The literature review is often seen as a rite of passage for any research student: a means of positioning work within the scholarly arena. However, particularly in the health sciences, literature reviews are viewed as a type of research in their own right. The systematic review is possibly the most well-known form but there are many types of evidence syntheses. This keynote will explore various approaches and their associated ontological and epistemological assumptions. Drawing from my own experiences with a variety of methodologies (eg systematic, realist, integrative and framework synthesis), I will discuss the potential of the literature review and explore theoretical and rhetorical challenges.



Thursday 7th November 2019

9.20–9.30amWelcome and Opening RemarksRussell Tytler
9.30–10.30amKeynote: Disrupting the relations and functions of school mathematics: A methodology for reframing mathematics through culturally responsive pedagogyKathy Nolan
10.30–11amMorning Tea
11–12pmVisualisation in MethodChair: Russell Tytler
Unplugged programming, games and technologyGeorge Aranda
The Film-Philosophy-Education group as a methodology for research into visual-linguistic reasoningJohn Cripps Clark and Joseph Ferguson
Situating sustainable chemistry in teaching and learning with systems thinkingSeamus Delaney
1–1.40pmCharting Teacher ChangeChair: Peta White
Teaching Out-of-Field with digital technologies: Analyzing a teacher’s perceptions of change through Positioning TheoryEmily Rochette, Christine Redman, Paul Chandler
Analytical frameworks for longitudinal qualitative case study Linda Hobbs, Frances Quinn, Chris Speldewinde, Coral Campbell
1.40-1.50pmShort Break
1.50–2.30pmResearching Meta-levels of Student LearningChair: Joe Ferguson
Dialogue and shared cognition: Student-student talk in the negotiation of mathematical meaning during collaborative problem solvingMan Ching Esther Chan and David Clarke
Methodological challenges in researching students’ aesthetic responses in science inquiryVaughan Prain
2.30-2.40pmShort Break
2.40–3.20pmMaking Sense of DataChair: George Aranda
Exploring the cosmos: Analysing patterns in high school student responses to a pilot Concept Inventory for cosmologySaeed Salimpour
Seeking a structure for the Australian mathematics teachers’ professional lexicon: Conducting a cluster and network analysis to reveal patterns of associationCarmel Mesiti, David Clarke, and Jan van Driel 
3.20-3.40pmAfternoon Tea

3.40–5pmPanel Discussion: Researching CapabilitiesChair: Linda Hobbs
Methodological challenges in researching student capabilitiesRussell Tytler, Joseph Ferguson, John Cripps Clark, Vaughan Prain

Friday 8th November 2019

9.30amWelcome to Day TwoRussell Tytler 
9.40–10.40amKeynote: Review: The assumptions and challenges of ‘evidence’ synthesisMargaret Bearman 
10.40 – 11.10amMorning Tea 
11.10–11.40Sociomaterial Approaches to Literature ReviewChair: Peta White 
Eilam et al – Climate change Fitzgerald – Astronomy as Prof Learning Hobbes & Marks – The power of formative evaluation Lander & Sawatzki – Transorm-ed Feedback in doctoral supervision: Taking a sociomaterial approach in literature review White & Tytler – 100 Jobs of the FutureJoanna Tai, Margaret Bearman, Michael Henderson, Elizabeth Molloy, Rachelle Esterhazy 
11.40–11.50amShort Break 
11.50-12.50pmIteration and Scale in Researching Teacher LearningChair: Seamus Delaney 
Designing extended professional development: The power of formative evaluationLinda Hobbs and Genée Marks 
Transform-Ed: Embedding active pedagogies ‘at scale’ to improve children’s physical activity and mathematics learningCarly Sawatzki and Natalie Lander 
Teacher Research Experiences in Astronomy as professional learning: Threats to validity and opportunity studying a heterogeneous, low population, research sample – Astronomy as Prof LearningMichael Fitzgerald 
1.50–2.50pmResearching Wider Aspects of Curriculum and LearningChair: Linda Hobbs 
Examination of climate change conceptualization within upper secondary Victorian CurriculumEfrat Eilam, Veerendra Prasad, and Helen Widdop Quinton
Moral criteria for the evaluation of cultural psychological studies in educationJenny Martin 
How to carefully conceptualise and analyse student agency in relation to assessment in higher education?Juuso Nieminen and Laura Tuohilampi 
2.50–3.20pmAfternoon Tea 
3.20-3.50pmEngagement and ImpactChair: Joe Ferguson 
100 Jobs of the Future: Engagement and impactRussell Tytler and Peta White 
3.50-4pmClosing Session: CAR 2020 and EvaluationPeta White 
4pmSymposium ends – Please join us for light refreshments 

CAR Coordinators: Alfred Deakin Professor Russell Tytler, Dr. Peta White, Dr. John Cripps Clark, and Dr. Joe Ferguson

Sponsored by Research for Educational Impact (REDI) in conjunction with the STEME Research Group

Posted Jun 28, 2019

7 November 2019, 12:00am to 8 November 2019

Deakin Downtown

Level 12, Tower 2, Collins Square, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne